February has been busy for the climate movement, and will keep us plugged until its very end. We celebrated wins in Latin America with victories over the coal and oil industries. We then move to Africa with a major development in the EACOP project as four banks withdrew their investments. 

And the month is not over yet! Remember the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report that was released last year in August? On February 28th the second of four parts of the latest IPCC assessment will be published, focusing on the impacts of the climate crisis. We already know it won’t be good news. But we also know the hope and solutions live in our collective power, and  we are planning various actions across the globe to expose the role of the fossil fuels industry in causing those impacts and to make them listen loud and clear: we are strong, we are resilient and we will keep fighting for the future that we all want and deserve.

Stay tuned to our channels for these, you don’t want to miss that.

In Case You Missed It

As TotalEnergies profits soar, the rest of us suffer

TotalEnergies released their annual profits statement this month and it shows what we already knew: they’re making A LOT of money at the cost of our health and planet. They made the largest profits in the history of any company in France!

As a business, they are killing it, and by it, I mean our future. While they are celebrating their winnings, the rest of the world is struggling through an energy price and climate crisis.

To respond to their financial announcements the climate movement took to Twitter on the same day, creating a massive wave of digital communication to disrupt the announcement. Total is the perfect example of how the fossil fuels industry feeds injustice: while executives make money and plans in their luxurious headquarters in France, people across the globe feel the impacts of their dirty decisions. Activists across various regions joined the Twitter Storm to expose and connect these dots – from Europe, to Africa and Latin America, where people are fiercely fighting against Total-led projects such as the East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline and fracking in Vaca Muerta.

Quiz time: do you know who the top 3 lenders to the coal industry are?

Yes, the answer is banks, you got that right.

Research recently revealed that Asian banks are still at the top of that list, and somehow are also the underwriters of the Global Coal Industry.

On February 15, Urgewald, Reclaim Finance, 350.org Japan and 25 other NGO partners published research on financiers and investors behind this industry indicating their activities and the amount of trillions, yes trillions of US dollars, that have been channeled from commercial banks.

With these results, now more than ever is the time for financial institutions to really assess the damage they are causing and put an end to coal projects. The funding needs to stop.

Latin America showing us the power of citizens

In Argentina, environmental organizations, activists, artists, amongst the many citizens showed their power, as they stood up against the oil exploration project from the coast of Mar del Plata. Mobilizations happened in cities across the country under the slogan #MarSinOil and #Atlanticazo.

Because of these actions, the Federal Justice of Argentina issued a precautionary measure that immediately suspends the oil project.

Activists in Mar del Plata

Credit: Ignacio Zavaleta / 350.org


Fossil Fuels Did This

One destructive oil spill in any environment is a crisis. But when we have five major oil spills in less than two months, the message is clear: it’s unsustainable. We know that no contingency plans to prevent such oil spills are reliable. The only thing to do is #KeepItInTheGround. Not just the oil you see in this devastating video, but the coal and the gas too. In order to do that, we must cut off the funding to these projects.

Credit: OjoPúblico


Fundamental Activist Skills

It is still early on in the year, so how about a good refresher on fundamental skills that all activists need to know? Amnesty International has some very informative training modules that are useful for activists, both new to the movement and seasoned.

It is also convenient, because the training modules allow you to learn at your own pace and in the order of your choosing. Give it a go, you won’t regret it.


The journey of a fossil-free Federal Reserve continues

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve — the United States’ public central bank — bankrolled fossil fuel companies to the tune of billions of dollars. That was not public relief. We need a central bank that supports Black, Indigenous, and communities of color fighting on the frontlines of COVID-19, racial and economic injustice, and climate destruction.

Instead, the Federal Reserve is neglecting to regulate the banks financing oil, gas, and coal expansion projects, actively funding the climate crisis. Join our fight in demanding that the Federal Reserve take immediate action to fight the climate crisis.

We now have a chance to make a real impact as the nominees combined, will bring in serious skill, competence and experience into the Federal Reserve who will account for climate risk. Are you ready to sign up?

The Ä°kizköy villagers protest for a livable world

Ä°kizköy villagers in MuÄŸla have committed to protect the Akbelen Forest. They have been showing up for over 200 days – and counting – fight to save this natural area which is under threat from destructive impacts of Yeniköy, Kemerköy, and YataÄŸan coal-fired power plants and coal mines.

The villagers are the frontline communities that are directly affected by the destruction caused by these power plants. Their hope is for a liveable future. Your name on the petition can add that extra hope they need to not surrender the Akbelen Forest.

Villagers protesting in Ä°kizköy villagers in MuÄŸla 
Credit: Kazım Yılmaz

Quote of the month

“We are not going to be left behind. We continue touring across villages and cities enlightening communities about the impacts of coal.” – Khadija Shekuwe, Save the Lamu coordinator 

The post Fossil Free Newsletter #66 appeared first on 350.org.